Na szukanie lepszego wiata nigdy nie jest za póno. It is never too late
to look for better world.
W nocy wszystkie koty s czarne. - At night all cats are black.
Wolno bez prawa szalonych zabawa. - Freedom without rules (laws) is like a
play of mad people.
Kto mieczem wojuje, ten od miecza ginie. - If you fight with a sword, you
will die because of a sword.
Zy to ptak, co wasne gniazdo kala. - Only a bad bird makes its own nest
dirty. ( the meaning is, that we should not say bad things about people and places which are "ours", even if they are not
as perfect as we would like them to be)
Kto yje z ludmi, to i ludzie z nim. - A person who is open to other people
will be appreciated by them.
Coordinator Marta Malek